Saturday, July 7, 2007

Mission's Trip

I just got back from my Mission's Trip to Union Grove, Wisconsin. We went to the Shepherd's Home there that deals with the Mentally Retarded. Wow, all I have to say is I was expecting to minister to them, but in reality, they were the ones that ministered to me. It was one of the best things I have done in my life... I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I know that this wasn't it. I had done some work with other people like them, but a whole bunch at one time, I was expecting it to be a long week, but it went by really, really fast! I met some excellent people while I was there; I'll just name a few. Keep in mind that our "motto" for the week was; "God doesn't make mistakes" it will help you understand a lot if you ever work with these people!

First was Dennis. Now Dennis is a former pastor and he had a stroke, which is what put him where he is. He was sharing just a little bit about his life to us, and just was a great person to be around, and he always had a smile! His wife divorced him after he had his stroke, and he said to us: "I am not the one that is divorced, she is. She is the one that left me, and according to my Bible, she's not supposed to do that." It was just a really small glimpse of what he had to go through in his life already.

Next would be Melody. She was a great person! I worked with her the first day, and then the rest of the week we just grew closer. She was also telling me about her life and how she was kind of treated like a slave, she had to watch her younger siblings for free and do a lot of dirty work around the house that no one else wanted to do and it sounded like she was verbally abused. She actually asked to go to Shepherd's. You think because it is a Christian organization, their families put them there, but some have different reasons, just like Melody! But she is making something out of her life and is working for it.

Every single resident is just amazing! I enjoyed getting to know a lot of people, trust me there are more but these two really made me think about a lot of things. I pray that I can keep in touch with some of them!

Saturday, June 30, 2007


We just got back a little while ago from the National Talents for Christ competition in Lancaster, PA!! It was so much fun!! I did not place, but thanks for everyone who was praying for me, it meant a lot!! I had a ton of people who told me they were praying for me! But it was still a great learning experience!

I felt that I did a great job, and I did my best for the Lord, the judges were just really strict about it... that's okay though, I still have next year!!! I'm so happy for everyone who did place though!!

We had TEN people from Iowa that placed!!! YEAH!!! Eight of whom were on the Tour! Joshua got 1st place in Male Voice; his sister Julie got 2nd in Bible Knowledge; Bekah got 1st in Female Voice; Nick got 1st in Visualized Bible Teaching; Anthony got 2nd in Preaching; Ethan got 1st in Brass; Jessica got 1st in Oral Interpretation of Scripture and Mary got 2nd in Piano.

Five other people from Tour competed but did not place, but we all did a great job, and I'm very proud of everyone!! It was great seeing everyone again as well, and I can't wait to see them again at camp!!

Now I got to finish getting packed for the Mission's Trip - I leave tomorrow! Just got back from a 17 hour drive one way and now I get another 6-7 hour drive! See you when I get back!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Talents for Christ Tour

I just got back from the Talents for Christ Tour (TFC Tour) yesterday and it was SO much fun!!! It was a blast! I was with a lot of people that I knew from last year and 2 guys from my church, but I was also able to get to know a lot of other people as well! We had 2 leaders; Dave Tebbenkamp and Jeanie Saylor and then we had 16 teens; Mary and Sarah (sisters) Joshua and Julie (siblings) and then Alizabeth, Bekah, Katie, Lydia, Jessica and me for the girls, then for the guys; Taylor and Ethan from my church and Anthony, Paul, Nick and Thomas.

We stayed at several different churches and we got to meet a lot of fellow believers and we also got to do our Talent every night! There are many stories to tell and lots of things that happened, but it would take a long time to say everything on here, you'll just have to talk to me if you want to know more!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Today we had my brother's graduation open house; it was so much fun!! Our family all came (for the most part) and helped set everything up and get it ready. It was a blast hanging out with my cousins and seeing everyone that came as well. He had a really good turn out today and I think he was happy with all that happened! All I know is - we'll be having leftovers for a LONG time to come!!! Congratulations Kris!!!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Washington, D.C

I'm back!! It's so nice to be home once again! Washington, D.C was a lot of fun, and we all had a great time, but I wasn't able to sleep as well as I do in my own bed. I'm sure all of you know how that goes.

We flew out to D.C. on the 21st of May. It was a good flight, I guess. I found out that flying isn't my favorite thing to do. (I figured it wouldn't be!) I felt dizzy when I was up there. Everyone said that the takeoff and the landing would be the worst part, but I thought that it was more fun.

We got there and we were all pretty tired, so we didn't do too much. However, there was a Wal-Mart right by our hotel and so we went there to waste a few hours! My brother ended up getting a Digital Camera, so he was excited.

Then we went to the Arlington National Cemetery and we watched the Changing of the Guards. It was really cool to watch and see everything that they did. Then my dad had meetings and we changed hotels that day. There we were close to the Pentagon and it was really cool. There was this really big mall that we went to on Wednesday. It was so awesome! We didn't find out about it until the day we had to leave there, go figure! But it was fun to walk around. They actually had a Dippin' Dots stand!! Of course I got some! They had a lot more flavors to pick from than Adventureland! Ha ha!

On Thursday, we changed hotels again and went to this really ritzy place. It was called the Omni Shoreham Hotel which has a lot of claim to fame. They have had a lot of famous people stay there. But then you get to their rooms, and they weren't as great as the lobby! (Kind of saw that one coming, didn't you?) It was so nasty... we had a ton of ants crawling on the floor in one area of the room. We called the front desk "Oh, we'll send someone up right away to spray." Do you think they did? NO! Their service was horrible, sorry to say, but I would never want to go there again! At least we didn't have to pay for it. :D The best thing about staying there though, was on Thursday night, either the Vise President or the President himself, went by us on the motorcade!!!!! I was ecstatic!

Friday, we did a LOT of walking. We walked over 10 miles, and that is not exaggerating. We saw all the different sights to see in D.C. We saw the White House, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the Capitol, the National Cathedral and a house that was 7 feet wide. We took the Old Town Trolley Tour and it was an excellent thing to do. It even drove us by Vise President Cheney's house! It was a guided tour, so we got a lot of information, too. Plus, at the end of the day, the Vise President went by us in the motorcade. He was going home! :D

On Sunday, we went to the National Zoo with some friends that we haven't seen for a few years, and it was so much fun to see all of them and catch up. It was a lot of fun! It was good for my mom, too, as it's her best friend. So I was glad that they got to see each other.

Then, we pretty much didn't do anything on Monday, we checked out, and some of us went to the Zoo again to see some things that we weren't able to get pictures of. Then it was lunch time and time to head for the airport to sit for a few hours while we were waiting!

I had a lot of "firsts" on this trip though! First time flying, first time in a Taxi, first time in a Subway and first time in a Transit Bus.

All in all, it was a great time, but I was so glad to be back home and in my own bed!

Friday, May 18, 2007


WOW! I didn't realize that it had been this long since I posted anything! I'm finally doing better and I'm so happy!

Last Saturday, we went to Adventureland (which is a Theme Park) and we had so much fun! My best friend that moved away last year was there, and although we didn't get to hang out as much as we would've liked, we still had a blast! While we were on the Ski Lift (which takes you from one end of the park to another) there were 6 guys that said I was hot! It was so funny! All I said in return was "I know" Now, if you know me, you know that I would never actually say that to someone!!! But the worst thing was; it stopped when we were by 2 of the guys and I already said that! I freaked out! So his reply was "Your Dang Hot!" So I was just like, "I know" and turned around and ignored him! That was so embarrassing! But otherwise Adventureland was so much fun; I even won a free T-Shirt from the Rally!

We are going to Washington, D.C. on Monday, I'm kind of nervous for it though! I have never flown in a plane before, so needless to say, I'm going to be doing a lot of praying! It should be a lot of fun though, just a new experience! I'll be sure to tell you about it when I get back!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday (times two)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!! I LOVE YOU!!! Today is my grandma's birthday, as you can tell! We went out to eat and had a blast... if you know my grandma -- you'll have to ask her what we got her for her present!!! It's the best! :D I love you grandma, and I pray that we can continue to enjoy each other for many more years to come!

Also -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE!!!! (Kyle and I have been friends pretty much since he started coming to our church... {just for everyone reading!}) I hope you are having a great day, and that it's really special! See you Sunday!!