So, my Aunt and my cousin, Katie, came up last Friday and ended up spending the night for my Grandpa's Surprise Birthday party. We made a scrapbook for him with 80 memories of Grandpa, since he has 4 kids, each kid came up with 20 reasons. We stayed up well past midnight and got up early, and we were just working away, I doubt if anyone has ever scrapbooked that fast!! We could be in the world record!! :) We ended up finishing on the way to town, we finished at the time the party was supposed to start, and we had to call everyone and tell them to stall! He was completely surprised, and I think it ended up being a great day! We had a cake with 80 candles on it, and the waiter had to sit and count all of them too! We had it right, there were 80!
So now my Aunt got us started on Scrapbooking, I think it's a hobby that we will enjoy!