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So, I guessed it - I'm SORE, way too much Floor Hockey, but at the same time; not enough!! This week-end was a blast! We went snowmobiling, we played Hockey, we played Volleyball and we totally got a workout! It was a blast!John Hartog the third was a really good speaker, he spoke on David, and had 3 different messages about him, with Jonathan was really cool too, I guess I didn't really realize that David was our age, and Jonathan was about 40-ish. It's awesome to see that kind of relationship, because for me, I get along with adults faster than I do with teens my age! Anyway, he was a really good speaker and he made things clear when he spoke!Quizzing, I got 2nd place, Julie got first. We both missed one question, but hers was only worth 5 points and mine was worth 10. Oh well... as long as God is happy - that's all that matters! And I know He is!:D Take care - I need to rest! Enjoy this pictures! (In order: John, Ethan, Allison, Joshua and me unloading, Me and Jennifer, Us playing Phase 10 at 1AM, Snowmobiling - Jennifer, me, Allison and Jeremy snuck in behind us to make a face! Thanks Wormy!;D)

So tonight we have the Ladies' Night Out that I've been talking about - plus the Winter Retreat at our camp... I've been studying and have the 3 chapters memorized!! I pray I do good on the quizzing; although it doesn't really matter, it's for God anyway!Pretty much we've been at the church this morning getting ready for tonight, final things are so much fun, aren't they? ;) I keep going over 1 Timothy 3-6, and have things all packed! I'm ready to go!! I'll be back tomorrow, but I'll probably be sore, we play Floor Hockey when we go, and it's so much fun, but I can't stop, so I'm sore when I'm done!!;) I'll blog sometime when I'm back!
I admire my mom. She does so much!! She just started teaching another class right now, so she's doing that, cake class, teaching us and still teaching on Wednesday nights! She's so awesome, I hope that I can be like her when I'm older. She's a great mom and I pray that I will be too!So, while she's teaching, my brother and I are going to watch the boys, which is fine. So that's going to be my Saturdays!
We are still getting ready for the Ladies' Night Out that I told you about before, even though I can't go, I'm still helping. My mom is in charge because our Pastor and his family are in Brazil and they get back the week that we are supposed to have it. I think they will be exhausted, and this was the only way that it would still be able to go on! So we are helping get things done! The lady came to our house again and we were planning the meals and everything that they are going to do. It sounds like it will be fun as usual, but I think I'll have a blast at mine too!
Today was a fun night... I babysat for foster parents as they had a meeting, it was so much fun because we had like 3 babies!! I love babies... they are so much fun!! It was a lot of kids that we had though, there were about 16 or more. There was just one other girl and then me. I don't think that they were expecting that many, but a few of my friends were there and they ended up helping, which was really nice of them!Anyway, it was really fun, but I'm tired, so I think I'm going to get off!
Today we had a lady from our church come to our house to get some things planned for the end of the the month. Our church always has a Ladies' Night Out and my mom and this other lady are in charge of it, so she came today to start planning. I won't be able to go, but I'll have a different youth activity to go to, otherwise I'd be at the Ladies' Night Out for SURE!Anyway, not much else is going on, I better get off and eat a late supper!
So tonight starts the first night of Cake Class at our church... it's really cool. It's an outreach that my mom and I have started through our church. This will be the 3rd Course 1 that we've done in our church and we are going to do all 3 courses this time, we have enough that want to now! I'm excited! Cake Class is always fun, but especially the first course. You see what all they can do and they learn a lot, and it's the most fun out of all three!So, my Aunt and my cousin, Katie, came up last Friday and ended up spending the night for my Grandpa's Surprise Birthday party. We made a scrapbook for him with 80 memories of Grandpa, since he has 4 kids, each kid came up with 20 reasons. We stayed up well past midnight and got up early, and we were just working away, I doubt if anyone has ever scrapbooked that fast!! We could be in the world record!! :) We ended up finishing on the way to town, we finished at the time the party was supposed to start, and we had to call everyone and tell them to stall! He was completely surprised, and I think it ended up being a great day! We had a cake with 80 candles on it, and the waiter had to sit and count all of them too! We had it right, there were 80!So now my Aunt got us started on Scrapbooking, I think it's a hobby that we will enjoy!
Today is my Grandpa's 80th birthday! Happy birthday Grandpa!! He doesn't know it, but we are planning a surprise birthday party on Saturday!! Everyone is going to be here! I think he'll be shocked!My Grandpa is amazing, he's a strong Christian, and he's really awesome and that's why I love him so much! I hope that one day I'll know half the stuff that he's forgot!! ;0) I'm just kidding Grandpa, I love you!! I hope you have an awesome day!
Okay, I know that I posted yesterday, but I'm bored and needed something to do! Plus, I have to post on the first day of the New Year!! I watched the ball drop, it was cool as usual! It would be really cool to be on Times Square, but I like to be in crowds, just as long as I'm NOT the center of attention!! Honestly though, wouldn't it be cool?!?Anyway, I doubt I'll be doing too much today... I'm looking forward to what 2007 will bring! I hope it will be a blessed year for you as well!! Have a great one!