After the funeral, our youth group has "adopted" a street; meaning that we have to pick up the garbage a couple of times a year. It was fun, although it usually is when we're with the guys... we found a microwave, a knife (in pretty good condition, too!) and then the usual McDonald's garbage that is everywhere! I can't believe this is December, usually there is snow everywhere, I mean, really, this is Iowa! But it was a very nice day out. :0)
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Sad Saturday
So today was Irma's funeral, it was really nice, and we were able to laugh at some spots and cry at others! But we were able to smile knowing that she's in a better place and not in pain anymore.
After the funeral, our youth group has "adopted" a street; meaning that we have to pick up the garbage a couple of times a year. It was fun, although it usually is when we're with the guys... we found a microwave, a knife (in pretty good condition, too!) and then the usual McDonald's garbage that is everywhere! I can't believe this is December, usually there is snow everywhere, I mean, really, this is Iowa! But it was a very nice day out. :0)
After the funeral, our youth group has "adopted" a street; meaning that we have to pick up the garbage a couple of times a year. It was fun, although it usually is when we're with the guys... we found a microwave, a knife (in pretty good condition, too!) and then the usual McDonald's garbage that is everywhere! I can't believe this is December, usually there is snow everywhere, I mean, really, this is Iowa! But it was a very nice day out. :0)