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WOW! So we lost our power about 4:30 on Saturday and we were without for just shy of 24 hours. We didn't have heat, but we lit some candles and piled on the blankets when we went to bed. What they were telling us, was, that Plymouth would be without electricity for 5 days I'm so glad that we got it back though!We weren't able to go to church on Sunday morning, but we got shoveled out and we went to the evening service. Everything was closed! The mail has been stopped, tow trucks aren't even allowed to get people out of the ditches yet - the state won't allow it - and it's just a mess... there is snow everywhere too! I went out yesterday morning with a yardstick and we had 9 inches, and it's still coming down! Bad news is, we're supposed to get hit with another storm on Wednesday night!Pastor said that there were about 60 people total for both of the services, I wonder how many people were duplicates! In the evening service there were about 70 I would guess. I hope the next storm isn't too bad!
Happy birthday mom! Today is my mom's birthday, I won't tell you her age though! My mom is an awesome lady, and we have a great relationship between us. I'm so thankful for her and I'm glad that she's my mom!Anyway, the cake for Kiley turned out really cute! It was a lot easier than the Super Bowl cake! I had a horse eating hay, and it said; "HAY! Kiley, sorry to hear you're leaving" Once again I don't have a picture on the computer, otherwise I would show you!It's starting to look like it's getting bad out, so I don't know what the week-end will hold! Our youth activity got cancelled, and rescheduled to March 9th... so I'll be home tonight! I need to get going, bye!
Okay, so I said I wasn't going to do another cake, but last week I got asked to do another one!! It's for a little girl that is leaving our church. So that's what I'm doing today! They want it tomorrow, so I have to get it done!I guess we are supposed to have a really bad winter storm, that's what everyone has been talking about lately! It's not bad out yet, but we'll find out!Anyway, I really got to get started!
Today my Aunt came to our house to have fun scrapbooking together! It was a blast we had so much fun! My Great-grandma and my Grandma were going to come, but things came up and they weren't able to. :0( I guess they'll just have to do it another time! We had so much fun and we got a lot of stuff done!We didn't go really late because we still had our cake class, but we had a great day fellowshipping with one another and just hanging out while we worked!! Can't wait to do it again!
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I'm Valentine-less, so my day was pretty much like any other day! Oh well, I'm okay with that, God will bring a guy into my life when He knows I'm ready!Church was good tonight, we didn't have a party or anything, but that's ok! Not much else going on, just wanted to say Happy "V-day!"
So today we had a theatre play in Mason City, for the homeschoolers, Henry and Ramona. It was very cute, I guess I was not familiar with the story, so it was cute to watch, a little on the children's side, but still good! The kids did a very nice job of performing and were cute as they were saying their lines.After the play we went to work on my brother's visuals at a lady's house from church. He wasn't able to drop things off, which was fine, he had to work, so my mom and I dropped off his stuff and kind of showed her what he wanted. What it is, is for Talents For Christ (TFC) He is doing Visualized Bible Teaching on "The Fiery Furnace." I think that his idea is great, and pray he does good this year!!I'm doing Female Public Speaking again this year and my speech is "At the end of Your Rope." I'm really excited about it, and have been working on it for a little while. It's at the end of March, so I have a little bit to keep perfecting it! I'm excited!
So, the Super Bowl cake turned out really cute! I got a ton of compliments! I don't have a picture on my computer, otherwise I would show you! I had the Super Bowl XLI logo in the top center of the cake, the Colts Helmet on the bottom left, and the Bears Helmet on the bottom right. It was awesome! Although, it was a lot of work, and I told my mom I'm not doing it again! It's stressful, but the final cake is worth it I guess. Anyway, the Colts WON!! YES! I was happy for them, especially since Manning got his first win! The party was at Pastor Derek's house, and there were a lot of teens, pretty much everyone was cheering on the Colts! Sorry Bear fans! Hope you had a good Super Bowl party!
Can you believe that January is already over?!? I can't... that went by way too fast! I guess if it's like this, it's going to be a short year! I'm not too sure what February will hold, but I hope it's a good month! The Super Bowl is coming up, I got asked to make a cake, so that's what I'll be doing tomorrow and Saturday! I hope it turns out good, I'm kind of nervous because I haven't really given cakes away, so in some ways this will be my "first". The only other ones I've done was when I was taking cake decorating classes, but that was a while ago, I guess now it's time to see how much I've learned!! Ha! Have fun, I'll be busy this week-end!